Fumble magicos!
1-10 You sneeze at an inopportune time causing the spell to go away.
11-20. Flowers shoot from your hands.
21-25 A monster as the spell Summon Monster 1d3 + 1d6 is summoned. It attacks the party.
26-30 Caster looses 1d4 intelligence. Fort Save (CasterLvl + 1d4 result)
31-35 Caster looses 1d4 spells/slots for the rest of the day.
36-40 Target is fully healed.
41-43 Caster looses 1d4 Strength. Fort Save (CasterLvl + 1d4 result)
44-55 Caster creates a mug of ale.
55-60 Caster is blinded for 1d4 rounds.
61-64 Caster is transformed into an invulnerable statue of small size for 1d4 rounds.
65-69 Caster looses 1d4 wisdom. Fort Save (CasterLvl + 1d4 result)
70-72 Nothing happens for 2 rounds then 2d20 boosted zombies of appropriate difficulty appear and attack the players.
73-75 Caster looses 1d4 Constitution. Fort Save (CasterLvl + 1d4 result)
76-80 Thick fog envelopes the region permanently for 1d4days, visibility is 10fts.
81-84. Antimagic-field is created for 1d4 rounds in a 40ft rad. Caster falls down unconscience for next 1d2 rounds.
85-88. Spells works as normal, caster is frightened for 1d4 rounds + Caster ages 1d6 years.
89-90. Target is charmed as if Charm Monster or Charm Person was cast upon it.
91. DM’s choice.
92. Roll Twice, Both effects happen + Caster is dazed for 1d4 rounds.
93. Air – You open a momentary portal to the Plane of Air and are accosted by a howling blast of air that deals a d4 of sonic damage for every two adjusted caster levels, minimum one, to you and everyone within 10 feet of you.
94. Earth – You open a momentary portal to the Plane of Earth. A large, irregular chunk of stone materializes near you and fragments, damaging everyone within five feet. Roll 1d8 on the grenadelike weapons table to determine the direction from you (1 being in front of you, 5 being behind you), and then 1d10 to determine how many feet away. Roll a d6 per every two adjusted caster levels, miminum one.
95. Water – You open a momentary portal to the Plane of Water. You and everyone else within five feet is hit by a sudden torrent of pure water from above. There is no other effect beyond being drenched (though the drenching itself may cause problems if you are holding a torch, for example).
96. Fire – You open a momentary portal to the Plane of Fire and are accosted by a gout of flame that deals a d6 of fire damage for every two adjusted caster levels, minimum one.
97. Negative – You open a momentary portal to the Negative Energy Plane and are accosted by a wave of negative energy that deals 1d6 damage per two adjusted caster levels, maximum 5d6, minimum 1d6. In addition, you must make a Fortitude save or gain a negative level for 1d8 hours. (There is no chance for the negative level to become permanent.)
98. Positive – You open a momentary portal to the Positive Energy Plane and are accosted by a wave of positive energy that heals 1d6 damage per two adjusted caster levels, maximum 5d6, minimum 1d6. Any extra health becomes temporary hit points that disappear in 1d4 hours.
99. Arcane fields of the target disgust the caster. Character acquires phobia. Frighten (Will = ECL + Opposite CHA stat)
100. A hole opens up in the fabric of the universe, unseen forces come forth inside your head, this makes direct contact with an Evil Deity/Demon Prince/Arch-Devil/powerful being of dark-powers. Character acquires Inescapable Madness ( DM Choice: Lust, Sloth, Gluttony, Greed, Wrath, Envy, Pride)
Lust: Every 1d3 days needs to have regular sex. (Will = ECL + #days*3) Failure indicates orgy with a either a member of the opposite sex or same sex. Failure again indicates sex with a beast or magical beast. Failure again indicates sex with an inanimate object. Failure again will make the caster sleep and dream of sexual fantasies loosing 1d3 int every day for every failure until success on all of the above.
Sloth: Every 1d3 days slave someone either by the use of a charm/dominate spell or by luring someone to serve you . (Will = ECL + #days*3) Failure indicates the mandatory use of charm/dominate spell on someone to serve you as a slave for at least the same time as result on the 1d3. Failure indicates you do nothing for 1d3 days result.this will make the caster loose 1d3 str every day for every failure until success on all of the above.
Gluttony: Every 1d3 days caster will eat unknown dishes/fruits/vegetables/meet. (Will = ECL + #days*3). Failure indicates the caster must eat raw meet every day for 1d3 days. Failure indicates the caster must eat live food every day for 1d3 days. Failure again makes the caster eat his own flesh draining 1d3CON every day until success on all of the above.
Greed: Every 1d3 days buy/earn/win something valuable (above your most valuable possession in gold). (Will = ECL + #days*3) Failure indicates the caster must buy valuable stuff for twice the amount. Failure indicates the caster must exchange gold and goods for new items. Failure again indicates the caster must make new stuff out of the stuff he owns that resembles the stuff he wants (does not own). Failure again indicates the caster must make new stuff out of in existing things, losing his mind in the process this drains 1d3 WIS every day until success on all of the above.
Wrath: Every 1d4 days hurt to the point of death or murder someone in the most sadistic way possible (Will = ECL + #days *3)....POR COMPLETAR
Envy: Every 1d3 days steal something valuable (above your most valuable possession in gold). (Will = ECL + #days*3)...POR COMPLETAR
Pride: Every 1d6 days try to kill the most important npc in a metropolis, city, village, town, order, cluster, group, party (could be an enemy party). (Will = ECL + #days*2)....POR COMPLETAR
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